Reading with a Difference: eZoomBook and MyGame-4
This article outlines the development of a tool called “eZoomBook”, that allows contributors to customize the length of documents and provide the end-user (i.e., potential readers on the platform) the means to “zoom in” or “zoom out” of the original document, thus giving readers a choice to read either the full version (always present on the platform) or modified shorter versions that contributors create using the eZoomBook tool and methodology. This article explores the ways the tool can be used to make reading more “learner-friendly” in the classroom setting and it highlights possibilities of having add-on applications to the platform such as learning games (MyGame-4U). It shows how the eZoomBook methodology combined with the MyGame-4u add-on has the potential to make reading more engaged, and finally opens up perspectives for development of other applications of the tool and areas for future research.